Conveyor Belt Switches and Conveyor Limit Swithes are used to prevent potential work accidents on whole line of conveyor belts. Mainly , they are used for providing conveyor system monitoring and control as well as safety in case of a problem
Limit switches are used to provide conveyor system monitoring and control as well as safety in case of a problem. A limit switch is a precision snap-action switch that has been encased to protect it from external forces, such as hazardous chemicals, water, oil and dirt, and is used to detect presence or absence in areas where physical contact is allowed.
Conveyor Belt Switch is a protective switch for detecting the meandering (sway or deviation) of belt conveyors, and sends out an alarm signal and an emergency stop signal.
Conveyor Limit Swith is suited to be used for belt breakage prevention or falling prevention due to the belt sway.
Conveyor Belt Switches and Conveyor Limit Swithes are used on industrial conveyor belts while conveying merchandises or mines like coal , copper, iron ,boron, sulphur , chrome , marble, manganese, etc…
Widely used in iron and steel, cement and chemical plants, thermal power plants, etc., since it is essential for safety operation of belt conveyors.
Conveyor Belt Switch allows smooth running of the conveyor and protects it from damages by over swaying which can occur due to uneven loading of material, worn out idler roller bearings etc.
Conveyor Belt switch is also known as Run Off Switch , Conveyor Belt Sway Switch, Conveyor Limit Switch , Conveyor Switch, Conveyor Safety Switch, Conveyor Belt Safety Switch.
Conveyor Belt Switches and Conveyor Limit Swithes are named according to type of roller. Some different rollers on switches are shown above;